Kisi API

Controller Input Connections
Controller Inputs
Controller Relay Connections
Controller Relays
Controller Wiegand Connections
Controller Wiegands
CSV card imports
CSV user imports
Elevator stops
Event export reporters
Event sets
Group elevator stops
Group links
Group locks
Group terminals
Group zones
Holiday calendars
Role assignments
Scheduled reports
Signed upload URLs
Unlocks histogram
User export reporters
Wireless locks
powered by Stoplight

Kisi API

Kisi Production:
Additional Information

Welcome to the Kisi API documentation. Before you read further, please read the general Kisi Docs portal.

The Kisi API supports JSON only, so please set Accept and Content-Type to application/json. All requests and responses will use JSON as the format for any data encompassed in the body of requests and responses.

Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Most calls to the API will require an authenticated user. If such a user is not present, you will receive a 401 response. For more information about authentication, see the Kisi Docs portal.

API calls must be made using HTTPS. Any calls made over plain HTTP will fail.

For authenticated API requests, you can make up to 5 requests per second, per user. Note that the limit applies per user, so requests made using different logins for the same user share the same quota.

For unauthenticated requests, you can make up to 5 requests per second, per IP address.

The following endpoints have custom rate limits:

POST /event_sets1 per second
POST /signed_upload_urls1 per 10 seconds

If you exceed the rate limit, a 429 response will be returned.

Some best practices:

  • If you're making requests for a single user, do so serially, not concurrently.
  • If you're making a large number of requests for a single user, wait at least one second between each request.

We reserve the right to change these limits as needed to ensure availability.

In the event that some part of the API has to be deprecated, we do the following:

  1. Return the Deprecation header with the date of when the endpoint is deprecated.
  2. Return the Sunset header with the date of when the endpoint can be expected to not function anymore.
  3. When the Sunset date is reached, the endpoint may go away at any time.

We recommend listening to these headers to avoid disruptions.

Some endpoints return an error code and a message. In the table below all error codes are listed.

Error codeMessage
afc507The authentication link is not valid.
afc546Invalid Two Factor backup code.
faa9ggThe card is not activated.
faa9efThe card was not found.
afc496Access denied.
f297efYour link is disabled.
f298efYour link has expired.
f299efYour link is invalid.
g299efYour link is invalid.
afc516Wrong email address or password.
afc536Invalid Two Factor verification code.
afc526Please provide a Two Factor verification code.
afc516The two factor pin is invalid
ffffffAn unexpected issue occured.
fcd8efAccess denied.
fcd8ffAccess disabled.
cabbebA card with the same identifiers was already enrolled.
faa8ffYour access right is invalid.
bb4fffPlease authorize Kisi for Bluetooth.
bb5bffNo nearby Kisi reader found. Try enabling Bluetooth on your device.
bb4bffPlease enable Bluetooth.
a7793fPlease authorize Kisi for location services.
a3799fPlease enable your location services.
a3793fPlease enable your location services.
f298cfThe place has disabled all links for you.
f298dfYour access rights for this place do not include links.
f298bfYour access right is invalid.
f01337Your group's access rights for this place do not include apps.
34bd8fYour device is not the primary one.
faccedUnable to decode the certificate.
bbb99fYour location is not valid.
bbb93fThe location of the lock is invalid.
a3995fYou are too far away.
bb4faaYou're not close enough to the door.
34ffaaYour access is not allowed at this moment, please try again later.
f35adeYour access is no longer valid.
f398deYour access is invalid.,
f358deYour access is not yet valid, please try again later.
fad334An error occurred permitting the the elevator stop.
fad121The elevator stop was not found.
fad122The elevator stop was not configured.
fad123The elevator stops are locked down.
fad124The elevator stop was on schedule.
fad002The place is currently locked down.
ff420aThe door has no assigned Kisi controller.
fad001The door is currently locked down.
fad105The door is improperly configured.
fad10eThe door could not be found.
fad110The door is already scheduled to be unlocked.
fad137The access was denied by the zone.
fad146The third party zone was overriden but it is still armed.
fad10fAn error occurred connecting to the wireless lock.
fad106An error occurred finding the wireless lock.
fad107The wireless lock is offline.
fad112An unlock is already in progress for the wireless lock.
fac002The Kisi controller is currently unavailable.
fac003The Kisi controller is currently unavailable.
fac004The Kisi controller is currently unavailable.
fad108The Kisi controller is not yet configured.
fac001The Kisi controller is currently unavailable.
ecc123The Kisi controller encountered an unhandled error.
fbc000The Kisi controller firmware is being updated. This will take a few seconds. Please retry then.
aaa345The zone has no assigned zone controller.
fad126The zone could not be found.
fad129The alarm controller is currently unavailable.
adf234An error occurred resetting the zone.
fad144The third party alarm is still in violation.
abbb11The integration partner experienced an error.
abcc11An integration partner resource could not be found.
abdd11The communication with the integration partner failed.
abee11Authorization with the integration partner failed.
abfe11The integration is not acceptable
abff11The integration is disabled.